Sep 2, 2010

Bakery Dessert Truffles Preview

Godiva has released a new flavor of TRUFFLES which are my favorite type of truffle! BAKERY DESSERT TRUFFLES! There are six flavors in this collection. I've already reviewed the Molten Lava Cake, or the Chocolate Lava Cake, so I only need to review 5 more! I'm probably only going to be able to take advantage of a rewards club deal, and be able to try 2 or 4. Then I won't be able to try any more until October! D'= But I'll review whichever truffles I can get my hands on!!

Here's what they look like, and what I think of them:

If you get the chance to try the ones I have yet to try, leave a comment! Send an email! Compare your tastes with other chocolate lovers! If the flavor you had is one I'm deprived of tasting then I might use your words or a quote from (giving you full credit, of course!!) your comment/email etc. to let everyone else know what you think!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all of these! Thanks for posting the pictures with labels and all!!


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