Sep 8, 2010

Nutty Truffles!

It's a chocolate night! I'm having three truffles that all look exactly the same! I forget which one's which! They all look so alike!! Haha(: You gotta love Godiva and their nutty truffles!

Oh! NOW I remember! I'm having some Cheesecake and Carrot cake in truffle form from the Bakery Dessert Truffles and Pecan Caramel from the Ice Cream Parlor Collection of Summer 2010! As you can see there is a similar interior between the Cheesecake and the Carrot Cake. However, cheesecake has two flavors in the center, one of cheesecake and the other of the crust! And so does the Pecan Caramel truffle with a melty caramel center! Reviews for part one of the bakery dessert truffles will be uploaded soon!

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